Adopt a Sea Turtle Nest
LAST UPDATED: 19 June 2017

Love sea turtles and wish you could help?

Perhaps you are looking for a unique gift, a really unique gift? Consider adopting a Sea Turtle Nest on Sanibel and Captiva Islands and give the gift of long lasting conservation and preservation. Photo shows a Green Turtle returning to the Gulf after a successful nesting effort. Sea turtle monitoring on Sanibel began with Charles Lebuff and Caretta Research, Inc. in the late 50's. The program was transferred to the Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation in 1992 when Caretta Research, Inc. disbanded. Today, SCCF staff and volunteers continue to monitor 18 miles of beaches, from the Sanibel lighthouse to Blind Pass, every morning from April – October. Over 100 volunteers help with the nest monitoring activities.

2016 nesting season broke all past records on Sanibel and Captiva, with 636 nests laid on Sanibel and 133 laid on Captiva. Researches would like to think that this is correlated to more than 60 years of conservation efforts. It take a sea turtle 30 to 40 years to reach sexual maturity, so many of the nesting turtles may have hatched on these beaches and are just now returning for the first time.

Learn More About Adopting a Sea Turtle Nest.

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