Eden Roshberg
LAST UPDATED: 05 April 2014

Growing Up on Sanibel features Eden Roshberg. This first of five Sanibel Island documentaries sponsored by Pfeifer Realty Group highlights four generations of people who grew up on Sanibel. The film will features some long–time Sanibel residents who either grew up here, or who moved here in their early adult years, and who raised families here. An additional focus to adults who grew up here takes a nostalgic look back at their experience growing up Sanibel Island. Finally, current “Sanibel kids” are featured, with glimpses into their island lives.

Eden Roshberg, son of Paul Roshberg the owner of Sanibel Art and Frame has become an experienced pilot. At 7 years old he was preoccupied with flying. His passion and motivation has allowed him to literally soar over the Sanibel Island home he loves.

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