Dick Muench "The Commish" to Retire Little League
LAST UPDATED: 07 December 2008

December 7th, 2008 the Sanibel Community Center filled with Islanders gathered to honor the thirty five years of generous service to the Sanibel Little League Program by Dick Muench. Current Sanibel Mayor Mick Denim, Former Sanibel Mayor Marty Harrity, current Major League & and former little league ball player Johnny Tellasano, Major League Pitcher and Master Carver Jim Sprankle, Glass Artist and local philanthropist Luc Century , Textile Printer Mary Irving, Film Producer Rusty Farst, and the new head of the Sanibel’s Little League Program Eric Pfeifer all joined their talents and time to roast and honor the retiring "Commish”.

Dick Muench inspired children with a love of the game and always a lesson in discipline, character and manners. “Tuck in your shirt”…”I didn’t hear a please when you ordered that”, “Get off my fence”, “Get back in the dugout”, “ Turn that hat around”, “Get that dog off my field”, …..”Now PLAY BALL”. Muench embodies the Sanibel spirit of community and involvement. The island is a better place for all because of the efforts of one. Dick Muench we all thank you!

Upon retirement Muench passed the torch to Eric Pfeifer who will act as the new Commissioner of the Sanibel Little League. Pfeifer is not new to Island Youth Sports as he founded Sanibel's NFL Flag Football League in 2003