7 Sanibel Artists: Myra Roberts
LAST UPDATED: 04 March 2015

Myra Roberts was a public school art teacher for 25 years and is now recognized internationally for her meticulously researched vintage Florida-style art from the 1920’s thru the 1950’s. She also produces social commentary pieces on both historical and contemporary issues, and has received honors for her work in these topics. She is inspired by the content of her life and by what is happening on Sanibel as well as around the world. Her art is designed to educate and inspire the audience in matters regarding nature, the environment, and social justice issues. She lectures and has received many awards for her work throughout the United States.

Her paintings are in public and private collections across the U.S. and Europe, including the estate of Robert Rauschenberg. Myra received letters of endorsement for her “Faces of Anne Frank” project from Hillary Clinton and the Jane Goodall Institute.

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